other bendables
Dirk af Morkullen MSP 2003 A20-87 A377/23 A18-87  
2004 isabell A-ee Crcr hingst
Uppfödare: Anne-Li Mell, Stall Alexander (e-mail)
Bendable ? Shetland rr Anne-Li Mell
Ägare: Anne-Li Mell, Stall Alexander (e-mail) (sedan *)
e: SP Didrik -m A26/04    
     1996 brun tobiano (23.325 SEK)
Hippominimus Grizzly Bear -r
Hippominimus Huggy Bear -r
Avening Concorde -r
Hook Hill Glory -r
Avening Caronia -r
Hurtwood Gypsy -r
Rushlight of Felbridge -r
Eschonchan Sigiongna -r
Seva Gay Girl -r
White Lion Golden Drop -r
Rayon Dore -r
Goldie or Markinch -r
Seva Darling -r
Seva Alpha -r
Ripple -r
Havsstjärnans Mynta -m
     1991 fux tobiano
Havsstjärnans Zorro -m
     1988 fux
Zeus vd Wormer
Randolph vd Tobberdijk
Sonja vd Noorderweg
Havsstjärnans Zonja -m
Heimen vd Dijk -r
Sonja vd Hogeweg -r
Havsstjärnans Tuttan -m
     1985 fux tobiano
Havstjärnans Herkules -m
     1982 fux
Buster V -r
Downlands Flopsy Bunny -r
Havstjärnans Hjärtegull -m
Zorro vd Weerd
Ria v Bussum
u: Alandria af Morkullen -m p0250 A0/23     
     1998 gulbrun (bär på mushroom)
Sulan af Morkullen -m p0249 A7/02 SH 38/90    
     1990 brun (bär på mushroom) (29.648 SEK)
Robin -m  
     1987 brun
Repelsteeltje vd Kersenhof
Cola of Little H
Maja vd Kersenhof
Andy Pandy
Nalle Puh
Lockinge Tamara -m
Lockinge Napoleon
Lockinge Giles
Diana v Uchelen
Xander vd Rijksweg
Yvette ute Loo
Salina -m
     1992 isabell
Kolviks Emil
Eric v St Zwarte Hof
Frida v Zoelen
Elfin of Transy
Normandykes Firedance
Transy Electra
Björklids Tilda
Gunhults Pedro
Eric v St Zwarte Hof
Cisan Garbo
Fernando vd Bosrand
Fleur v d Polder
Svenska Modell Ponny Travet
2020 Placering Summa
Kat. A Klass III (form 3-6) 4 210 SEK
Kat. A Klass III (form 0-6) 4 210 SEK
Kat. A Klass II (form 7-10) 2 1.000 SEK
Kat. A Klass I - Avd 1 (form 11-15) 5 150 SEK
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) 3 900 SEK
Kat. A Guld divisionen (form 20-22) -  
Kat. A Guld divisionen (form 20-21) 6 80 SEK
Kat. A Silver divisionen (form 18-19) 6 70 SEK
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) -  
9 (0 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 2)   2.620 SEK
Kat A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd I -  
Kat. A Klass II (form 7-10) 5 120 SEK
Kat. A Klass II (form 7-10) - Avd II -  
Kat. A Klass II (form 7-10) - Avd II 4 280 SEK
Kat. A Klass II (form 7-10) - Avd II 2 1.000 SEK
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd II 4 350 SEK
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) -  
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) - Avd I 2 1.500 SEK
Kat. A Guld divisionen (form 20-21) 5 240 SEK
9 (0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 0)   3.490 SEK
Mini Påsksmällen Kat A -  
Kat. A Silver divisionen (form 18-20) 3 1.050 SEK
Kat. A Guld divisionen (form 18-21) 5 240 SEK
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) 2 1.500 SEK
*Guldlöpet Kat A -  
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) 3 900 SEK
Kat. A Silver divisionen (form 18-19) 1 3.500 SEK
Kat. A Mini Jubileumspokalen - Avd II -  
Kat. A Guld divisionen (form 20-21) 1 4.000 SEK
9 (2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 0)   11.190 SEK
27 (2 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 2)   17.300 SEK
    21.575 SEK
Svenska Modell Ponny Galoppen
2023 Placering Summa
Kat. A Klass III (form 3-6) - Avd II 5 150 SEK
Kat. A Klass III (form 0-6) - Avd I -  
Kat. A Klass III (form 0-6) - Avd II 1 1.500 SEK
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd I -  
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd I -  
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd I -  
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd II 6 125 SEK
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd I 1 2.500 SEK
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) - Avd II -  
9 (2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 + 1)   4.275 SEK
Race Placing Money
Kat. A Klass III (form 3-6) 4 210 SEK
Kat. A Klass III (form 0-6) 4 210 SEK
Kat. A Klass II (form 7-10) 2 1.000 SEK
Kat. A Klass I - Avd 1 (form 11-15) 5 150 SEK
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) 3 900 SEK
Kat. A Guld divisionen (form 20-22) -
Kat. A Guld divisionen (form 20-21) 6 80 SEK
Kat. A Silver divisionen (form 18-19) 6 70 SEK
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) -
Race Placing Money
Kat A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd I) -
Kat. A Klass II (form 7-10) 5 120 SEK
Kat. A Klass II (form 7-10) - Avd II -
Kat. A Klass II (form 7-10) - Avd II 4 280 SEK
Kat. A Klass II (form 7-10) - Avd II 2 1.000 SEK
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd II 4 350 SEK
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) -
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) - Avd I 2 1.500 SEK
Kat. A Guld divisionen (form 20-21) 5 240 SEK
Race Placing Money
Mini P sksm llen Kat A -
Kat. A Silver divisionen (form 18-20) 3 1.050 SEK
Kat. A Guld divisionen (form 18-21) 5 240 SEK
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) 2 1.500 SEK
*Guldl pet Kat A -
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) 3 900 SEK
Kat. A Silver divisionen (form 18-19) 1 3.500 SEK
Kat. A Mini Jubileumspokalen - Avd II -
Kat. A Guld divisionen (form 20-21) 1 4.000 SEK
Race Placing Money
Kat. A Klass III (form 3-6) - Avd II 5 150 SEK
Kat. A Klass III (form 0-6) - Avd I -
Kat. A Klass III (form 0-6) - Avd II 1 1.500 SEK
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd I -
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd I -
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd I -
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd II 6 125 SEK
Kat. A Klass I (form 11-15) - Avd I 1 2.500 SEK
Kat. A Brons divisionen (form 16-17) - Avd II -
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