Cascade's Perfect Trust B10/02 MWB0260    
Welsh sec B
1999 - 2020 fux a-ee hingst
Uppfödare: Anne-Li Mell, Stall Alexander (e-mail)
AA Welsh sec B/PBA rep Sheri Rhodes
Ägare: Anne-Li Mell, Stall Alexander (e-mail) (sedan *)
e: Star's Twighwydd -m
     1989 skimmel
Dafydd Knight In Goal -m
Abercrychan Spectator
Penwood Mujib
Downland Chevalier
Downland Dawn Chorus
Synod Champagne
Hendre Wyn
Glyderis Glitter
Weston Pearly Necklace
Brierwood Blue Boy
Revel Pattern
Breierwood Blue Bird
Weston Fair Lady
Coed Coch Planed
Weston Fair Maid
Coed Coch Murron
Downland Chevalier
Downland Dauphin
Criban Pebble
Downland Dragonfly
Downland Love-in-the-Mist
Star Supreme
Craven Sprightly Twilight
Coed Coch Gala
Coed Coch Berwynfa
Tan-Y-Bwlch Berwyn
Berwyn Beauty
Coed Coch Peioni
Coed Coch Blaen Llevad
Coed Coh Penllwyd
u: Cascade's Treasure -m p0259    
     1991 skimmel (född sabino)
Laeryds Domenic
Snowdon Blighter
Bowdler Blighter
Bowdler Blue Boy
Bowdler Bess II
Snowdon Graceful II
CC Moelwyn
Snowdon Graceful
Revel Shrimp
Revel Popcorn
Criban Winston
Revel Peach
Sharon Shrimp
Bryntirion Rowan
Gaerstone Starfish
Rondeels Whistle
Rowfant Sacha
Twyford Gamecock
Twyford Grenadier
Wee Georgette
Rowfant Sundew
Coed Coch Asa
Rowfant Primadora
Rondeels Wattle H
Rondeels Pangwyn H
Twyford Thunder H
Coed Coch Pwffiad
Yaverlnd Willow H
Twyford Gurkha
Snowdn Walnut III
Svenska Modell Ponny Galoppen
2002 Placering Summa
Uppsamlingslöp KB 6 62 SEK
Bronslöp KB1 -  
Silverlöp KB2 5 53 SEK
Guldlöp KB2 2 1.200 SEK
Haningelöpet Kat B 2 5 1.400 SEK
Höstgaloppen Kat B 2 1 3.900 SEK
Grand Prix Kat B 2 -  
Vintergaloppen Kat B 2 1 5.000 SEK
SM Kat B 2 10.000 SEK
9 (2 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 2 + 1)   21.615 SEK
Vårrustet kat B 1 2 4.000 SEK
Silverlöp Kat B 1 3 2.000 SEK
Sommarlöpet Kat B1 3 3.000 SEK
Guldlöpet Kat B 1 4.000 SEK
Skrållan's Hederslöp - Kat B 3 1.100 SEK
Haninge Löpet kat B1 1 4.000 SEK
Grand Prix Kat B I 1 4.000 SEK
Vintergaloppen Kat B I 2 4.000 SEK
SM Kat B 2 10.000 SEK
9 (3 + 3 + 3 + 0 + 0 + 0)   36.100 SEK
18 (5 + 5 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 1)   57.715 SEK
2004: Fairytale's Pumpkin, chestnut mare out of Fairytale's cucumber, Fairytale - RIDING PONY
2006: Cascade's Heika , fux sto u: Cascade's Price -m p0442    
2006: Fairytale's Ruby, chestnut mare out of Badge N, Shadowland - RIDING PONY
2011: Hammarbacken's Trusted Star, chestnut stallion out of AR Negma al Nile, Hammarbacken - RIDING PONY
2014: Little Eire, palomino mare out of Euraid O Gogleddol, LS
Third Highest Form in the Swedish Model Pony Races 2003: 34
Eigth Best Pony in the Swedish Pony Races 2003: 36.100 SEK
10/2-05 Fotoshow, Annika Gustafsson Welshhingstar 1/9
Bästa Welsh Reserv
11/11-05 Fotoshow, Malin Thyni Welsh alla kat 5/13
30/11-04 Fotoshow, Sophie Nordström Fux resin cast 1/32
15/10-04 Fotoshow, Sophie Nordström Welshhingstar alla sec. 3/13
1/10-04 Ponnyshow, Sophie Nordström Welsh sec B hingstar 1/5
Champion Welsh alla sec.
15/7 Registershow 15/7, Ulrika Ljunglöf Engelska Ponnyer, Welsh sec A och B 1/9
Hingst 5/47
Bästa Engelska Ponny
Juli Mountain och Moorland registrets show, Ulrika Ljunglöf Welsh sec B och C 1/4
Champion Hingst
10/4-04 Fotoshow, Linda Petäjävaara Welsh 6/8
15/3-04 Fotoshow, Sophie Nordström Ponny - Welsh alla sec. 3/10
21/2-04 Fotoshow, Malin Thyni Welsh alla sek. 9/15
ret./rep./p. 2/32
1/4-04 Fotoshow, Sophie Nordström Ponnyer - Welsh Alla Sec. 7/15
18/7 Ponnyshowen, Oscar Sikström Fux 7/20
10-11/8 2002 Vattenshowen Welsh 2/7 34p
4/4-09 Mountain o Moorland Registrets Show, Sophie Nordström Welsh sec B. hingstar 2/6
2018 SMHFs Fotoshowståg 2018, PN Welsh 3/7
2018 SMHFs Fotoshowståg 2018, JW Welsh 6/8
2018 SMHFs Fotoshowståg 2018, AS Welsh 7/10
2018 SMHFs Fotoshowståg 2018, TE Welsh 9/10
2018 SMHFs Fotoshowståg 2018, UO Welsh 6/10
2018 SMHFs Fotoshowståg 2018, SN Welsh 9/18
Uppsamlingslöp KB 6 150 SEK
Bronslöpning KB1 -
Silverlöpning KB2 2 3.000 SEK
Guldlöp KB2 2 3.000 SEK
Haningelöpet KB2 5 1.000 SEK
Höstgaloppen KB2 1 5.000 SEK
Grand Prix KB2 -
Vintergaloppen KB2 1 5.000 SEK
SM KB1 2 10.000 SEK
Vårruset Kat B 2 4.000 SEK
Silverlöp Kat B 1 2.000 SEK
Sommarlöpet Kat B 1 3 3.000 SEK
Guldlöpet Kat B 1 4.000 SEK
Skrållans Hederslöp Kat B 3 1.100 SEK
Haningelöpet Kat B 1 1 4.000 SEK
Grand Prix Kat B I 1 4.000 SEK
Vintergaloppen Kat B I 2 4.000 SEK
SM Kat B 2 10.000 SEK
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Ändringar skickas till registerägaren: Anne-Li Mell
Model Registry Program, version 36 (c) Anne-Li Mell
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