North Down's Peter the Magnificent SMSPR1305   

Named after King Peter of Narnia, of course. A gift from Donna, Christmas 2010, a custom to my favourite colour.

Suffolk Punch
2009 fux --ee hingst
Uppfödare: Anne-Li Mell, Stall Alexander (e-mail)
AAA Little Ted custom glazed AAE Edmund OF
Ägare: Anne-Li Mell, Stall Alexander (e-mail) (sedan *)
e: Ayers Rock Red Jamie -m SMSPR1302 eng0426   
     2003 fux
Eyke Monarch of the Glen -m  
Golden Grandchild -r
Eyke Harvest King -r
Leap House Golden Eagle -r
Old Bells Gwen -r
Golden Genesis -r
Colony Windsor -r
Wretham Ruby -r
Old Bells Glenda -r
Parham Rupert -r
Marshland Ben -r
Colony Sprite -r
Old Bells Gwen -r
Rowhedge Marquis -r
Old Bells Greta -r
Angel of Brancaster -m
Marquis of Brancaster -r
Westwood Debonair -r
Rowhedge Marquis -r
Whatfield Deborah -r
Colony Teal -r
Parham Rufus -r
Colony Hannah -r
Cherrytree's Lady Jane
Marshland Andy
Marshland Baron
Marshland Ann
Cherrytree's Lady Sheila
Rowhedge Alpha
Loudham Katherine
u: Ayers Rock Lady Red -m SMSPR1303 eng0425   
     2004 fux
General Travis -m
Colony Windsor -r
Laurel Earl -r
Rowhedge Count 2nd -r
Laurel Amber -r
Colony Orchid -r
Parham Rufus -r
Colony Hannah -r
Kingsland Bridie -r
Elmodam Prince -r
Rowhedge Count 2nd -r
Chickering Ena -r
Cherrytrees Lady Sheila -r
Rowhedge Alpha -r
Loudham Katharine -r
Lady Claire -m
Golden Grandchild -r
Eyke Harvest King -r
Leap House Golden Eagle -r
Old Bells Gwen -r
Golden Genesis -r
Colony Windsor -r
Wretham Ruby -r
Old Bells Glenda
Parham Rupert
Marshland Ben
Colony Sprite
Old Bells Gwen
Rowhedge Marquis
Old Bells Greta
2015: Dark Rose De Cor ,   fux sto u: Albertine -m  
2015: North Down's Tirian the Last , fux hingst u: North Down's Lady Alexandra -m SMSPR1417  
21/5-2011 Ponnylivens Öppna Showen Övriga Kallblod 3/4
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