stallions |
BGF Jack Huey 0321h |
Jack is named after a character in Due South. For a while he was liver chestnut, but he was black originally and I'm happy to have him back as this.
Morgan |
2000 - 2021 svart aaEe hingst |
Uppfödare: UB, BGF |
Ägare: Anne-Li Mell, Stall Alexander (e-mail) (sedan *) |
e: Raymondo Vecchio -m 0309h 1994 leverfux
Maple Syrple -m
Tap The Trees -m
UVM Flash -r
Upwey BenDon -r
Norma -r
Snow Taffy -m
Jolly Roger -r
Carmel Snow -r
Royal Chocolate -m
Wait For Spring
Wait For Me
April Acres
Forever Amber
Royal Amber
Chocolate Chip
WR Jumanji -m
Black Panther -r
Cingadero -r
Ketchum -r
Haager -r
Zula Queen -r
Zebra -r
Sadie Hawk -r
WR Blackhawk
Funquest Monarch -r
Funquest Talstar -r
Flyhawk's Fancy -r
Gene's Star Crest -r
Beckridge Como -r
Daisy Model -r
u: Roseridge Hill So I Promised -m 0309s |
Roseridge Promise Me This -m 0311h svart
TWM I Promise
UVM Promise
UVM Highlight
UVM Empress
UVM Victoria
UVM Flash
UVM Jaunty Miss
Barnbury Pamela
Windcrest Music
Man Waseekas Nocturne
Windcrest's Delight
Applevale Figurine
Waseeka's Rockette
Rosenridge Hill So Classic -m 0314s |
Prince Cobra
Chief Cobra
Dove's Breeze-On
Mr Breezy Cobra
Azurewood High Time
Weatherwane Classix' Choice -m MORMS 02/00 |
Windhover Classic -r
Beamington -r
Greenmeand's Katy-did -r
Figure's Erika
Chasley Superman
Chasley Superman
Avkommor: |
2011: Eliza , fux sto u: Viewhill Abygail -m |
Meriter: |
18e April Fotoshow Morgan 8/9 |
8/4-05 OF-Fotoshow, Patricia Lawson Gaited 7/7 |
Svart 4/4 |
30/4-05 Fotoshow, Sophie Nordström Övriga Amerikaner - Morgan 6/7 |
10/2-05 Fotoshow, Annika Gustafsson Morgan 9/9 |
11/11-05 Fotoshow, Malin Thyni Morgan 8/9 |
30/12-04 Fotoshow, Sophie Nordström Morgan 8/9 |
30/11-04 Fotoshow, Sophie Nordström Morgan hingstar/valacker OF 1/1 |
Svart OF 5/12 |
15/10-04 Fotoshow, Sophie Nordström Morgan 7/7 |
10/4-04 Fotoshow, Linda Petäjävaara Morgan 7/7 |
15/4 OF-fotoshow 8/4-04, Patricia Lawson Svart 8/21 |
15/3-04 Fotoshow, Sophie Nordström Gaited - Morgan 9/9 |
21/2-04 Fotoshow, Malin Thyni Morgan 10/12 |
1/4-04 Fotoshow, Sophie Nordström Övriga Amerikaner - Morgan 7/7 |
14/8-04 Fotoshow, Oscar Sikström Svart 8/17 |
2003 Vattenshowen 2004 Övriga Amerikaner 5/6 29.5p |
4/4-07 Fotoshow Malin Thyni Morgan 2/3 |
Svart 2/6 |
22/4-07 Fotoshow Sophie Nordström Morgan 4/4 |
Svart 4/6 |
8/4-07 Fotoshow Annika Gustafsson Morgan 6/6 |
1/5-07 Fotoshow Annika Gustafsson Svart 10/13 |
15/11-08 Registershow för Morgans Hingstar 9-11 år 7/7 |
2014 Vattenshowen 2014 Morgans 2/4 14.5p |
2014 Vattenshowen 2014, Animal Artistry earthenware 4/4 |
2014 Vattenshowen 2014, Färg Svart OF 2/8 |