
stallions (30)

        aa (25)

                fantasy (10)

                non fantasy (15)

                        resin (4)

                        china (11)

                                rearing (4)

                                standing (7)

        non-aa (5)

mares (4)

retired (10)

stallions (30)

        aa (25)

                fantasy (10)

                        North Downs Sir Gwaine

                        North Down's Jenkharsten

                        North Down's Merlin the Magnificent

                        North Down's Michael Scofield

                        North Down's Morningstar

                        North Down's Phil Dearly

                        North Down's Lord James the Reliant

                        North Down's Gimli III

                        North Down's I'm So Evil

                        North Down's Percival

                non fantasy (15)

                        resin (4)

                                North Down's Jim's Darwin

                                North Downs Arthur Pendragon

                                North Down's Ashkevron II

                                North Down's Shadow King

                        china (11)

                                rearing (4)

                                        North Down's My Own

                                        North Down's Eveningstar

                                        North Down's Bank Manager

                                        North Down's Fanoa

                                standing (7)

                                        North Downs Sir Lancelot Du Lac

                                        North Down's Clay

                                        North Down's Linwood Porteous

                                        North Down's Go Burke

                                        North Down's Stage Manager

                                        North Down's Brian

                                        North Down's Because Boomerang

        non-aa (5)

                North Down's Roque

                North Down's Amyntoros

                North Down's Prince Imzy

                North Down's Sandman

                North Down's Axelrod

mares (4)

        North Down's Jolene

        North Down's June

        North Down's Wynonna

        North Down's Victoria

retired (10)

        Caladesi Ashkevron

        Caladesi Tali

        North Down's Lendel

        North Down's Legolas

        Jim's Chief

        North Down's Caratarix

        North Down's Gimli II

        North Down's Mithrandir J

        Satan's Zeke

        Ayers Rock Sassenach

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