Vattenshowens Pontus
Sveriges femte Show Special run - Suffolk Punch hingsten Canyon's Regal Thames gjordes inför Vattenshowen 2023. Namnet kommer från manifestationen av floden Thames, Father Thames, i kombination med skulptörens artistmärke, Canyon Spring Studio. I vardagstal kallar vi honom C R T eller bara Thames.
Sweden's fifth Show Special run - Suffolk Punch stallion Canyon's Regal Thames, was made to the Waterfestival Liveshow 2023. The name is from Father Thames, the manifistation of the River Thames, in combination with the sculptor's artist brand, Canyon Spring Studio. We call him C R T or just Thames.

Canyon's Regal Thames såldes för 275 kronor och enbart till utställare. Ett fåtal kan komma att auktioneras ut för att sponsra showen.
The price for Canyon's Regal Thames was 330 SEK SEK and only to showers. A very few has been auctioned off to sponser the show. The coin show with a raw Canyon's Regal Thames in the picture above are the swedish 5 crown coin. The coin are 23,75 mm (millimeter/millimetre) in diameter.
Vad är Canyon's Regal Thames för ras?/What breed are Canyon's Regal Thames?
Canyon's Regal Thames är skulpterad för att vara en Suffolk Punch. Men han passar även som t.ex. Percheron eller någon annat knubbigt men elegant kallblod med lite hovskägg.
Canyon's Regal Thames is sculpted to be a Suffolk Punch. But he would also fit as for exampla a Percheron or some other chubby yet elegant drafter with not too much feathering.
Galleri CRT/Gallery CRT
Vi vill gärna visa upp så många Canyon's Regal Thames som möjligt när han fått färg på sig i hans eget galleri. Kontakta Therese för mer information.
We would really like to show off as many Canyon's Regal Thames as we can when he have some color in his own gallery. Contact Therese for more information.Canyon's Regal Thames Card
SR kort för modellhästspelet, Best In ShowSR card for the model horse game, Best In Show