Vattenshowen 2009

Bild från showen
Öppna Showen
Animal Artistry Showen
Fantasy Showen
Egenomgjorda Showen
Performance Showen
Bendables Showen
Färg Showen
Special Showerna
Öppna Showen
Champion Arab: Sasori Yuna
Champion Reserv Arab: Strathemoor's TeaParty
Champion Novis Arab: Sasori Yuna
Champion Fullblod/Travare: Qul's Silky Monster
Champion Reserv Fullblod/Travare: Qul's Queen of Africa
Champion Novis Fullblod/Travare: Royal's Mexican Heat
Champion Amerikan: Viewhill Champagne
Champion Reserv Amerikan: Oro del Vuelo
Champion Novis Amerikan: Lotus
Champion Europe: Daryl Banks
Champion Reserv Europe: Abuelo J
Champion Novis Europe: Vilja
Champion Kallblod: Ayers Rock Radiant Lord
Champion Reserv Kallblod: Fearnley Warlord
Champion Novis Kallblod: Ahnold the Unreasonably Frightened
Champion Ponny: Da Vinci of Decorima
Champion Reserv Ponny: Nebulosa
Champion Novis Ponny: Epsilon
Champion Asiat: Kirsha
Champion Reserv Asiat: Billy the Kid
Champion Novis Asiat: Ancient Gold
Champion Korsningar, Vildhästar och Övriga Hästdjur: Izadora D
Champion Reserv Korsningar, Vildhästar och Övriga Hästdjur: Rio Bravo
Champion Novis Korsningar, Vildhästar och Övriga Hästdjur: Verdict
BEST IN SHOW: Sasori Yuna
BEST IN SHOW RESERV: Strathemoor's Tea Party
Animal Artistry Showen
Animal Artistry Best In Show: La Muerte Blanca

Animal Artistry Best In Show Reserv: Etoile Solitarei of Decorima
Fantasy Showen
Fantasy Best In Show: Dragoness

Fantasy Best In Show Reserv: Little Dragon
Egenomgjorda Showen
Egenomgjorda Best In Show: Azraff Theusus

Egenomgjorda Novis Best In Show: Hushpuckena Holy Man

Performance Showen
Champion Western: TS Mem Ehlafaa

Champion English: Lord

Champion Other: Azraff Theseus

Champion Diorama: Texas Shotgun

Performance Best In Show: Azraff Theseus

Performance Best In Show Reserv: TS Mem Ehlafaa
Bendables Showen
Best In Show Bendables:The Laughing Apple
Best In Show Bendables Reserv: RSS Walking Ghost Phase
Färg Showen
Best In Show: Shahnaz

Best In Show Reserv: AA Samadhi
Special Showerna
Breakables Best In Show: Azraff Theseus

Original Finish Best In Show: M' Cosmos Credit

Simple Custom Best In Show: Cleopatra

Drastic Custom Best In Show: Karma Killer

Resin Custom Best In Show: Ayers Rock Chariots of Fire

Vintage Custom Best In Show: Crabtree Noontime Spender