Vattenshowen 2018

Öppna Showen - Shetland Special
Animal Artistry Showen
Eberl Showen
Bendable Custom Showen
Fantasy Showen
Färg Showen
Breakables Showen
Bantam/Micromini Showen
OF Extravaganza
Öppna Showen - rasspecial Shetland
Champion Föl: Rekryt
Champion Föl Reserv: Kumori
Champion Arab: Sayed
Champion Arab Reserv: Raisha
Champion Arab Novis: Marjanah
Champion Kallblod: Thorsten
Champion Kallblod Reserv: Lallybroch's Bran
Champion Kallblod Novis: Tripoli
Champion Shetland: Sprout
Champion Shetland Reserv: C'estor of Decorima
Champion Shetland Novis: Granit
Champion Ponny: Maverick
Champion Ponny Reserv: Brookside Idyll
Champion Ponny Novis: Flammarion
Champion Rid och Vagnshäst: El Salvaje
Champion Rid och Vagnshäst Reserv: Aladdin
Champion Rid och Vagnshäst Novis: Shadowfax
Champion Sport: Tactic
Champion Sport Reserv: Chester VS
Champion Sport Novis: Willy Wonka
Champion Stockhorse/Mustang: Sahale J
Champion Stockhorse/Mustang Reserv: Steel Shadows
Champion Stockhorse/Mustang Novis: Highway To Hell
Champion Övriga Hästdjur: Joker
Champion Övriga Hästdjur Reserv: Empire
Animal Artistry Showen
Animal Artistry Best In Show: Accident of Heather Z

Animal Artistry Best In Show Reserv: Gustav
Eberl Showen
Eberl Best In Show: El Salvaje

Eberl Best In Show Reserv: Charisma
Bendables Custom Showen
Best In Show Bendables Custom: Spotted Midnight
Best In Show Bendables Reserv: Merlin
Fantasy Showen
Fantasy Best In Show: Alcyone

Fantasy Best In Show Reserv: Dia De Muertos

Färg Showen
Skimrande skimmlar
Färg Best In Show: El Salvaje

Best In Show Reserv: Thorsten
Breakables Showen
Breakables Best In Show: Thorsten

Best In Show Reserv: Brookside Idyll
Bantam/Micromini Showen
Bantam/Micromini Best In Show: Cheyenne

Best In Show Reserv: Blue's Gentleman

OF Extravaganza Showen
OF Hårdplast Best In Show: Flammarion

Best In Show Reserv: Vivaldi

OF Mjukplast Best In Show: Jules

Best In Show Reserv: Staubfinger

Workmanship Showen
Simple Plastic Best In Show: Al Hazred

Best In Show Reserv: Bellamie

Best In Show Egenomgjorda Novis: Bilbo

Best In Show Vintage: Madonna

Medium Plastic Best In Show: Neptune

Best In Show Reserv: Ice Baby Ice

Drastic Plastic Best In Show: Lulu

Best In Show Reserv: Blue's Gentleman

Simple Other Best In Show: Cheyenne

Best In Show Reserv: Sahale J

Medium Other Best In Show: Nazar

Best In Show Reserv: Raindrop's Courtship Ritual

Vattenpasset Showen
Vattenpasset Best In Show: Nahele